DRHC Dubai Blogs
Dr. Olena Ioffe

Dr. Olena Ioffe

Prof.Dr/ Olena Ioffe, who is an Associate Professor, Specialist Obstetrician, and Gynecologist Associate Member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (RCOG, London), With more than 30 years of experience.
Female cancer global burden and unrecognized Ovarian Cancer
These statistics show a significant number of female cancers worldwide, and because of that our efforts in early detection (screening), prevention, and treatment are crucial to reduce both incidence...
How menopause impacts woman’s life
Menopause can have a significant impact on women’s lives, affecting them physically, emotionally, and socially. First of all, it can affect physical health. The decline in estrogen and progesterone...
Twin pregnancy ! what to expect differently during labour?
Twin pregnancy ! what to expect differently during labour? Increased risks of Intrapartum hypoxia, fetal growth restriction, cord accidents, and malpresentations make twin deliveries high risk than...
When to go to hospital to deliver your first baby? (signs of labour)
When to go to hospital to deliver your first baby? (signs of labour) You can notice the passage of blood-tinged mucus in late pregnancy which is called the “bloody show.” This as a result of the...
What to do to stop tearing during vaginal delivery?
What to do to stop tearing during vaginal delivery? Avoid rapid labour. Support the perineal tissue and facilitate extension of the fetal head. Do episiotomy if indicated, then repair it properly....
Post-Partum Care
Post-Partum Care Involution of the uterus: After delivery the uterus weight approximately 1000 gm compared with non-pregnant weight of approximately 70 gm so it decreases in size gradually to its...
You may have had a previous miscarriage , what to do to stop it happening again?
You may have had a previous miscarriage, what to do to stop it from happening again? Check for infectious factors such as chlamydia listeria, mycoplasma, syphilis, HIV, and group B streptococci. Take...
Dietary and lifestyles for managing nausea
Dietary and lifestyles for managing nausea Eat frequently in small amounts. Eat high carbohydrates and low-fat foods. Eat protein meals Dry diet Drink small amounts of cold, clear carbonated or sour...
Common sexually transmissible infections
Common sexually transmissible infections 1 - What is chlamydia? Chlamydia is a type of bacteria, and one of its varieties, Chlamydia trachomatis, is the most common sexually transmissible infection...
Why do I have nausea and vomiting in pregnancy?
Why do I have nausea and vomiting in pregnancy? 70% of pregnant ladies experience nausea during the first trimester, which has been termed as morning sickness, even though it can occur anytime...
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