Twin pregnancy ! what to expect differently during labour?
Increased risks of Intrapartum hypoxia, fetal growth restriction, cord accidents, and malpresentations make twin deliveries high risk than singleton deliveries.
- For monochorionic monoamniotic twins: CS should be done by 34 weeks gestation.
- For monochorionic diamniotic twins: CS should be done owing to the risks of cord accidents, acute twin-to-twin transfusion, and premature placental separation.
- For Dichorionic diamniotic twins: the vaginal delivery is recommended if the presentation is cephalic.
- Also, If the first twin is cephalic and the second twin is non-cephalic, vaginal delivery is still advocated. But If the first twin is non-cephalic then CS is planned.
- Women with previous CS often deliver by repeat CS because of the great risk of scar dehiscence.
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