Suffering from Lumbar Disc Prolapse?
A prolapsed disc or commonly known as herniated disc occurs when the outer fibres of the invertebral disc get injured and the gel like matrial known as nucleus pulposus find its was into the spinal...
When to decide to operate on Lumbar Disc Prolapse?
Do you need a surgery for a herniated disc?
6 Possible complications after Lumbar Discectomy
Lumbar Discectomy: It is a day case operation nowadays to treat lumbar disc prolapse with the use of the microdiscectomy technique. The complication rate is very minimal in experienced hands using...
6 daily habits to cure back pain - Dubai Orthopedic Clinic
If you thought that it is the common cold that sends individuals to the doctor, then you are living under a rock! It is the Back pain! Back pain ranks fifth when it comes to being the reason for...
Lower Back Pain: Causes and What You Need to Know
Introduction Lower back pain is a very common condition and can be related to various anatomical and pathological causes. The important points to understand when assessing Lower back pain causes are:...
Recovery After Lumbar Micro Discectomy
how long off work I will be after micro discectomy operation? what should and should not do? how long is the recovery period? when can I drive? these are samples of question which we get asked daily...
Microdiscectomy for low back pain
What is Disc: Discs are the cartilages separating the vertebrae in the spinal column. The discs are subject to millions and millions of cycles of stress during life which makes them wear and...
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