DRHC Dubai Blogs
10 Key Benefits of Rezum Treatment in Dubai for BPH You Should Know
Rezum is a minimally invasive treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a common condition in aging men where the prostate enlarges and affects urinary function. It uses water vapor (steam)...
Cautions and knowledge after treatment of HPV ?
Cautions and knowledge after treatment of HPV Treatment of virus or papillary talul/ genital warts: Drug treatment with a solution or cream. Using coagulation, laser, or cooling with a specific...
Can I have children if I don’t have sperm in my ejaculated fluid?
Can I have children if I don’t have sperm in my ejaculated fluid? Azoospermia is considered for 20% of infertility. According to guidelines, there are 2 types of azoospermia and each has a special...
Infertility prevention methods
Infertility prevention methods Infertility is a couple's inability to achieve spontaneous pregnancy in one year. Scientific facts: About 15% of couples do not get pregnant within one year and seek...
How to diagnose urinary incontinence?
How to diagnose urinary incontinence? History and clinical examination: Through a proper history, we are getting and clarifying the types of urinary incontinence as well as taking a history of...
Better Technique for Treating Obstructive Benign Prostate than Laser?
Since the introduction of the Laser high energy therapy to ablate the obstructing benign prostate which affects 20% of the men above the age of 50 Years, we pass through out several phases of trials...
Types and History of Prostatic Stent
Metallic: First Generation: Urospiral (Fabian,1980). Second: Prosta-Coil (Self-expanding). Memo-kath (Thermal expanding). Third Generation: Memo-kath 028 (Memory) Plastic Stents: The Spanner...
Facts you should know about Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men (after skin cancer), but it can often be treated successfully and there are tests to detect it early. It is not yet known if the benefits of...
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