When to go to hospital to deliver your first baby? (signs of labour)
- You can notice the passage of blood-tinged mucus in late pregnancy which is called the “bloody show.” This as a result of the cervix begins thinning.
- As you approach your full term, you will experience some uterine contractions which begin with (Braxton Hicks contractions) which is not associated with dilatation of the cervix (false labour) and are characterised as lower abdominal and groin pain.
- Then comes the true labour which is more intense contractions, begin at the uterine funds and radiate to low back and lower abdomen, and become increasingly intense and more frequent.
- In the last scenario, you should be in touch with your Doctor and your labour unit and have clear instructions about their admission time and when you need to exactly come to the hospital. I personally advise my patient to come directly to the hospital If: 1- 2- 3-
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