Why Choose Dr. Rami Hamed Center for your Breast Treatment?
Why Choose Dr. Rami Hamed Center for your Breast Treatment? One-stop, one-visit specialized Breast Clinic All breast problems Walk-in clinic No appointment needed Swift, no delays or waiting time 6...
Breast Abscess
Breast Abscess - DRHC Dubai Breast Clinic Breast Abscess is a painful lump filled with pus as a result of breast infection (mastitis). Usually, the abscess is superficial but can extend deep within...
Gynaecomastia (Male breasts, Man boobs) : Causes and Treatment
Gynecomastia (Male breasts, Man boobs) : Causes and Treatment Gynecomastia (Male breasts, Man boobs) is the enlargement of breast glands in men. It can be on one side or both. In some cases, it is...
Nipple Discharge: Presentations, Causes and Management
Nipple Discharge: Presentations, Causes and Management
What increases the risk of a woman to have breast cancer?
What increases the risk of a woman having breast cancer? Factors that can increase the risk of developing breast cancer, include: Genetics: About 5% to 10% of breast cancers are thought to be...
The importance of MRI scan in detection of breast cancer
The importance of MRI scans in the detection of breast cancer Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the breast is an important tool in the diagnosis of breast cancer. The advantage of MRI scan over...
Breast Cancer Causes and Prevention: Everything you need to know
While the exact cause for Breast Cancer is still unknown, certain lifestyle choices have been proven to put us at risk for the disease. Most types of breast cancer are Estrogen-related. This is why...
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