DRHC Dubai Blogs
Dr. Adib Nanaa

Dr. Adib Nanaa

Dr. Nanaa is a specialist Interventional Cardiologist with 27 years of experience. He is now working as a specialist cardiologist in Dr. Rami Hamed Center, Dubai Health Care City. He is a meticulous dedicated cardiologist with the latest advanced evidence-based treatment in the cardiothoracic medicine.
What is a Silent Heart Attack or Silent Myocardial Infarction?
Did you hear about Silent heart attack or Silent myocardial infarctions? It represents between 22-64% of all myocardial infarctions. It can happen without chest pain, and some times with atypical...
What is meant by heart block?
What is meant by heart block? To understand heart block, we need to now an idea about the electricity of the heart. The conduction system consists of Sino atrial node, atrioventricular node, His...
What is the most serious kind of heart block and how do you treat it?
What is the most serious kind of heart block and how do you treat it? The most serious type of heart block is third degree or what we call complete heart block. In this case the atrial activity is...
How many types of heart block are there?
How many types of heart blocks are there? There are three types First degree heart block manifested by ECG by prolonged PR interval without symptoms. Second degree heart block has two arms Mobitz I...
Does Heart attack in women comes up in different way?
Does Heart attack in women comes up in a different way? It is well known that ischemic heart disease is less in women before menopause to be equal to men after 65 of age. Heart attack in women may be...
Risk factors you need to know about Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
Risk factors you need to know about Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) They are many, and the more risk factors you have the more likely you will develop CAD. By controlling risk factors, we may help...
7 facts you need to know about anti hypertension medication
7 Facts you need to know about anti-hypertensive medication High blood pressure which persist overtime require medication treatment. There basic facts about the treatment apart from life style...
Hypertension and Diabetes (the double trouble) how to control?
Hypertension and Diabetes (the double trouble) how to control both together? The combination between hypertension and diabetes cab be lethal, they both increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, and...
Long term complication of uncontrolled hypertension
Long term complication of uncontrolled hypertension High blood pressure is called the ‘’Silent killer” because sometimes there is no typical symptoms or complaints so we may discover it late. The...
Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM)
Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) This test check the blood pressure at daytime and at night, usually we connect the arm cuff to small blood pressure machine attached to belt around the...
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