DRHC Dubai Blogs
Dr. Adib Nanaa

Dr. Adib Nanaa

Dr. Nanaa is a specialist Interventional Cardiologist with 27 years of experience. He is now working as a specialist cardiologist in Dr. Rami Hamed Center, Dubai Health Care City. He is a meticulous dedicated cardiologist with the latest advanced evidence-based treatment in the cardiothoracic medicine.
How do I know if it’s anxiety or heart attack?
How do I know if it’s anxiety or heart attack? There is a great crossover in the complaints of panic attack and heart attack making it challenging to differentiate between the two without a full...
Glycemic control and cardiovascular protection
Glycemic control and cardiovascular protection As we know diabetes is 5th leading cause of death in united states. Every 1% rise in HbA1c is associated with a 30% increase in all cause mortality and...
Stress Test. How do we do it?
Stress Test. How do we do it? Two main objectives for the exercise test: To help and evaluate if the heart gets enough blood supply during activity. To assess your status before you go to do vigorous...
When should someone see a cardiologist?
When should someone see a cardiologist? You need to see a cardiologist in two cases: 1 - Referral from your family medicine GP if you have risk factors such A Positive family history for ischemic...
What happens right before a heart attack?
What happens right before a heart attack? A heart attack occurs when the blood flow to the heart is blocked due to plaque formation mainly from cholesterol and other substance. Eventually, the plaque...
Serious Symptoms of Heart Problems
Serious Symptoms of Heart Problems Chest discomfort, Pain Tightness or pressure on the chest and if it lasts more than few minutes at rest or during some physical activity may be a sign of heart...
Environmental factors that impact cardiovascular risk
Environmental factors that impact cardiovascular risk Missing Cardiovascular Risk Factors There are some environmental factors that impact cardiovascular risk, like cold weather and high temperature....
Foods that your heart hates
Foods that your heart hates Excess amount of Salt, Fat, Sugar are harmful for the heart and brain to cause heart attack or stroke. Bacon is rich by salt and saturated fat and preservatives (50 % of...
8 important Q & A related to heart and aspirin
8 important Q & A related to heart and aspirin Does aspirin and NSAIMs affect stomach directly? The answer is not, it affects prostaglandins work which protect stomach mucosa. What is the...
Are eggs good or bad for my cholestrol?
Are eggs good or bad for my cholestrol? Healthy subject can eat one egg every day without harmful on his heart because each egg contains 186 mg of cholesterol while Dietary Guidelines for Americans...
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