DRHC Dubai Blogs
Dr. Adib Nanaa

Dr. Adib Nanaa

Dr. Nanaa is a specialist Interventional Cardiologist with 27 years of experience. He is now working as a specialist cardiologist in Dr. Rami Hamed Center, Dubai Health Care City. He is a meticulous dedicated cardiologist with the latest advanced evidence-based treatment in the cardiothoracic medicine.
Control of hypertension in pregnancy.
Control of Hypertension in Pregnancy Approximately 5-10 % of pregnant women get hypertension during their pregnancy, and some questions arise about the benefit of lowering BP and what is the optimal...
Risk of hypertension in athletes
Hypertension in athletes Athlete hypertension can be a considerable problem if not treated well as it can lead to more cardiac complication and may affect the future of the athlete. During athletes...
Primary and Secondary hypertension
There are two type of hypertension either primary or secondary. Most of our educated patients who suffers from hypertension are interested to know how we deal and categorize hypertension as they wish...
7 Complaints which can be caused by Hypertension
What are the main complaints for patient suffering from high blood pressure? Many people suffers from silent hypertension which can manifest itself in various type of symptoms, I will list some...
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