DRHC Dubai Blogs
Do Mumps really cause deafness and infertility? Know here
Yes, but this happens not so often. Mumps is a contagious viral infection spread through droplets of saliva or mucous from the mouth, nose and throat direct infection Indirect infection is similar,...
Autoimmune Systemic Diseases
Autoimmune systemic diseases are clinical disorders, in which the immune system cannot tell the difference between foreign substances and its own cells and tissues.
Halitosis Causes and Treatments
Halitosis, or bad breath. It originates from the gums and tongue. The smell is caused by wastes from bacteria in the mouth, the decay of food particles, other debris in the mouth and poor oral...
After the introduction of the Diphtheria vaccine in 1921 the cases of diphtheria dropped quickly to reemerge again toward the end of the last decade. Diphtheria still has a death rate of up to 20%,...
Danger of Tetanus - Avoid Them With These Simple Tips
While most horror movies show you a beast with mouth wide open and frightening teeth, actually a Lockjaw is a much more terrifying experience especially if it was caused by Tetanus. Tetanus bacteria...
Laser in Anti ageing FAQ
Laser in anti ageing FAQ will discuss the most frequently asked questions on use of laser in anti ageing treatment. Is laser resurfacing the treatment that’s right for you and your wrinkles? Although...
Sleep Apnea
It is the cessation of breathing via nose and mouth for 10 seconds at least which can recur many times during the 7 hours of sleep cycle associated with and followed by a snort when breathing...
Trigger points
Research suggests that trigger points could be the reason behind most of our common pains and aches. Skilled doctors found out that in roughly around 75 percent of the cases trigger points were...
Dr Rami Hamed Interview On Al Arabya TV Channel Knee Injuries.
Dr. Rami Hamed Interview On Al Arabya TV Channel Knee Injuries.
Dr. Rami Hamed Interview on Al Arabya TV: Shoulder Pain Cause
Dr Rami Hamed Interview On Al Arabya TV Channel Shoulder Pain Caused, Diagnosis and Treatment, and Wheather We Use Painkillers for Treatment or Not?
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