DRHC Dubai Blogs
Dr. Lama Omer Sibai

Dr. Lama Omer Sibai

Dr. Lama Omer Sibai who is one of the expert Gynecologists and Obstetricians with an extensive experience of 25 years in UAE. She worked in DHA hospitals for more than 20 years as well as in the private sector for the last 3 years. Dr Lama is a member of Emirates Medical Society, European Society of Aesthetic Gynecology, International Society of Ultrasound of Obstetrics and Gynecology and European Society of Reproduction and Embryology.
Stress Incontinence and Biofeedback
Stress Incontinence and Biofeedback Biofeedback is a type of physical therapy that works by helping your body gain more awareness of its functions. It has been proven effective in case of urinary...
Family planning methods. which is better?
Family planning methods. Which is better? There are 6 types of Family Planning Method namely: Long Acting Reversible Method (LARC) Hormonal Contraceptive Barrier Method of Contraception Natural...
Contraceptive implants. How safe it is?
Contraceptive implants. How safe it is? It is a family planning method that is about putting the implant under the skin of your upper arm inserted by the doctor using special device. It releases the...
How to track your ovulation?
How to track your ovulation? Maintaining a regular menstrual calendar by recording your date of period and how long it lasts. Knowing that in a normal regular period of 28 days, ovulation takes place...
11 Advices to prevent Birth Defects
11 Advice to prevent Birth Defects Pre-pregnancy counseling or check-up (visit OB-Gyne, Consultant, or Specialist). Stop smoking or alcohol consumption as early as possible. Healthy lifestyle...
Vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy
Vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy Vitamin D physiologically rise in early pregnancy during the first trimester and continue to rise and it is doubling by the end of the third trimester. There is...
Have you heard of Muscle Cramps and Sciatica in pregnancy?
Have you heard of Muscle Cramps and Sciatica in pregnancy? Definition: A calf muscle cramps causing severe pain which mainly happens suddenly during the night. 3 main reasons why it may happen: Poor...
Pelvic Pain in Mid and Late Pregnancy
Pelvic Pain in Mid and Late Pregnancy Patient may experience difficulty with walking, standing, going down stairs, turning in bed, and, in severe cases, immobility. Pathophysiology: By the influence...
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