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Vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy

Vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy

Vitamin D physiologically rise in early pregnancy during the first trimester and continue to rise and it is doubling by the end of the third trimester.

There is accumulating evidence that vitamin D supplementation may be able to prevent immune maladaptation and loss of tolerance that occurs in pre-eclampsia.

Active vitamin D is a potent modulator. It may lead to gestational diabetes and allergic disease. It is essential to prevent vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy. The recommended dose is 10000 units weekly for all pregnant women and 20000 units weekly for pregnant women with vitamin D deficiency.

Role of Vitamin D during Pregnancy

  1. Crucial for maternal health and skeletal fetal growth.
  2. Risk in preventing neonatal hypoxic ischemia, brain injury/ Dose of vitamin D plays a vital role in the neonatal development of the fetus.
  3. Prevention of pre-eclampsia.
  4. Prevention of GDM.

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