DRHC Dubai Blogs


Dr.Wael Abdlah qualified from University of medical science and technology School in 2008. Since then he carried out his initial urology training in SMBC followed by uro-oncology fellowship from MU training, also he is a member in royal college of surgeons Ed and American urological Association , and practice in centers of excellence in urology Dr Wael is dealing with all routine complex urological surgeries, he uses the latest minimally invasive techniques in surgery and pain control including endoscopic urological procedures, and laser uses whenever applicable. Please do not hesitate to meet Dr Wael, you will see the passion in his eye trying to find the best evidence-based option of his tools to cure you in one spot. No time wasting with useless theoretical options but direct to the spot with the most successful option.
Cautions and knowledge after treatment of HPV ?
Cautions and knowledge after treatment of HPV Treatment of virus or papillary talul/ genital warts: Drug treatment with a solution or cream. Using coagulation, laser, or cooling with a specific...
Can I have children if I don’t have sperm in my ejaculated fluid?
Can I have children if I don’t have sperm in my ejaculated fluid? Azoospermia is considered for 20% of infertility. According to guidelines, there are 2 types of azoospermia and each has a special...
Infertility prevention methods
Infertility prevention methods Infertility is a couple's inability to achieve spontaneous pregnancy in one year. Scientific facts: About 15% of couples do not get pregnant within one year and seek...
How to diagnose urinary incontinence?
How to diagnose urinary incontinence? History and clinical examination: Through a proper history, we are getting and clarifying the types of urinary incontinence as well as taking a history of...
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