DRHC Dubai Blogs
liposuction in Dubai
BODY CONTOURING SURGERY Bodies come in all shapes and sizes. So do the surgeries to correct them! One of the commonest misconceptions is that liposuction in Dubai will correct all shapes and sizes of...
Why Choose Dr. Rami Hamed Center for your Breast Treatment?
Why Choose Dr. Rami Hamed Center for your Breast Treatment? One-stop, one-visit specialized Breast Clinic All breast problems Walk-in clinic No appointment needed Swift, no delays or waiting time 6...
Breast Abscess
Breast Abscess - DRHC Dubai Breast Clinic Breast Abscess is a painful lump filled with pus as a result of breast infection (mastitis). Usually, the abscess is superficial but can extend deep within...
Gynaecomastia (Male breasts, Man boobs) : Causes and Treatment
Gynecomastia (Male breasts, Man boobs) : Causes and Treatment Gynecomastia (Male breasts, Man boobs) is the enlargement of breast glands in men. It can be on one side or both. In some cases, it is...
Nipple Discharge: Presentations, Causes and Management
Nipple Discharge: Presentations, Causes and Management
Cautions and knowledge after treatment of HPV ?
Cautions and knowledge after treatment of HPV Treatment of virus or papillary talul/ genital warts: Drug treatment with a solution or cream. Using coagulation, laser, or cooling with a specific...
Why choose DRHC for your hair transplant?
Why choose DRHC for your hair transplant? International experience DRHC is an outcome of updated scientific facilities, a highly skilled and dedicated team of assistants and matured artistic...
What are the causes of Hair Loss?
What are the causes of Hair Loss? The is no single condition responsible for baldness, however research has shown that there are four factors which can cause severe hair loss: Genetic factors It has...
Home exercises for flat feet
Home exercises for flat feet In every foot, there is a medial and lateral longitudinal arch, made by wedge shape tarsal bones and strong intrinsic ligament of the foot (static support of the arch)...
First aid in orthopedic cases
First aid in Orthopedic Cases In all times and especially in this time (corona outbreak) we should know what to do as first aid with orthopedic emergencies (trauma or wound). First question comes in...
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