Signs that indicate the need for Tonsillectomy amongst adults
Tonsils are clusters of tissues located on either side at the back of the throat. Many individuals are unaware that tonsils are part of the body's immune system and help to trap germs that enter the...
Various techniques of performing Tympanoplasty
Tympanoplasty is a surgical procedure to close a perforated tympanic membrane (ear drum)and to repair your middle ear. The eardrum sebarate the outer ear canal from the middle ear. Tympanoplasty is...
How Tympanoplasty is performed?
Tympanoplasty is a surgical procedure that is mostly performed to repair any type of perforation in the eardrum. The perforation might have been caused due to various reasons including penetration by...
Tympanoplasty – Need, Recovery and Aftercare
Tympanoplasty is a surgical procedure that is carried out to reconstruct the perforated ear drum or the small bones located within the middle ear. The ear drum is the thin membrane located between...
6 complications Related to Tympanoplasty
How is Tympanoplasty Performed? Tympanoplasty is the surgical repair of an eardrum hole, often known as a perforated eardrum. It takes two hours or longer and is performed as an inpatient procedure...
Various reasons to do Tympanoplasty
Hearing impairment is emerging as a major health issue amongst people across the globe. Of the several reasons that lead to this problem, the damage to the eardrum is one of the most prominent...
How to use your Peak Flow Meter?
A peak flow meter is a device that helps you determine how well your asthma is being controlled and how well your lungs are working at any given point in time. For people with asthma, it is a simple...
What are the possible reasons to avoid Stapedectomy?
Stapes removal or stapedectomy is a rather good procedure, helps removing the stapes bone and improving hearing. Though with enough benefits after the procedure, few patients face adverse issues thus...
How to cope with Asthma?
Having asthma can be frustrating. Sometimes, it can even be scary. It is important to know how to manage your asthma properly. This will help keep your asthma well controlled and will help decrease...
What are the possible complications after Stapedectomy?
Stapedectomy is an effective procedure to treat hearing disease. Since any surgery with positive hope of treatment also accompanied with risk and complications. Here I would share possible...
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