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Over weight/Obesity : Gaining weight is the leading cause of GERD, excessive stomach fat puts pressure on the abdomen, pushing gastric content (gastric juices, acid) up into your esophagus (lower esophageal sphincter) causing progressive erosion of the mucosa/epithelium at and around the sphincter and hence causing the worry called GERD.

Here is a short list of things you need to consider before you go ahead and make the decision about the treatment for your gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD):

  1. Diagnosis: Even though the symptoms of GERD are easy to identify, you should not diagnose the condition on your own. Always visit a professional and reputable healthcare center to undergo an accurate diagnosis of your condition.
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  2. Natural remedies: The treatment for GERD consists of strict medication that needs to be taken for a long period of time. In some cases, you may even require surgery. However, the alternative is to consult a dietitian towards herbs and natural remedies for your condition.GERD and dietitian
  3. Change in diet: The food you eat and the beverages you drink play a massive role in causing GERD. In most cases, a strict diet that consists of healthy food and beverages can help you alleviate the symptoms of GERD. Smoking and drinking alcohol can make your GERD more severe
  4. Get rid of unhealthy habits: Smoking and drinking alcohol can make your GERD more severe. Try to quit these habits to minimize the negative health effects of GERD.
  5. Second opinions: Most people tend to consult only one healthcare professional on such matters. However, it may be an idea to consult with more than one physician to discuss the treatment options for your GERD.
  6. Exercise: Physical exercise is wonderful for the mind and body. GERD is essentially a digestive disorder that can be mitigated through regular exercise.
  7. Avoid caffeine: Coffee, tea, and carbonated beverages should be avoided. Instead, drink lots of water to promote digestion and boost your metabolism.

We recommend that you go through this checklist before you consider treatment for your GERD.

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