DRHC Dubai Blogs

Trigger Points

Research suggests that trigger points could be the reason behind most of our common pains and aches. Skilled doctors found out that in roughly around 75 percent of the cases trigger points were either the primary source and virtually are a part of almost every pain problem.

Trigger points are known to cause headaches, neck & jaw pain. Many a times trigger points can cause referred pain which can be mistaken for tendonitis, bursitis and even joint pain

Trigger points are sometimes responsible for long term pain & disability

So what is this Trigger point?

Trigger points are small contraction knots in the muscles. It many a times feels like a pea buried deep in the muscle. Normal healthy muscles do not have knots or taut bands and is not tender when you apply pressure on them

  • Trigger points could be actively painful in a muscle or elicit no pain at all unless until touched
  • Trigger points once they become latent reduces the ROM, quality and performance of the muscle
  • Many a times pain is treated in the conventional way, thinking the cause of pain will be found near the site of pain. But trigger points most of the times send their pain signals somewhere else which is known as referred pain.
  • Physiotherapist will help you to find and treat these trigger points moreover educate you in how to prevent it from coming back.

What causes Trigger points?

There are many causes for trigger points some of the common causes are

  • Poor postures, Overuse or Repetitive stress on the muscles
  • Overexertion or Physical trauma to the muscles

Treatment for Trigger points

There are varied treatment options

In most of the cases you will start feeling the change from the first session itself and usually around 5 session we get great results

The physiotherapist not only treats the trigger points but also will do thorough assessment in order to find out the reasons which caused the trigger points in first place which may include rectifying other dysfunctions or imbalances present .

Physiotherapist may also advise exercises or lifestyle modifications in order to ensure that the pain doesn’t come back.

If you have any doubts or if you feel you have these trigger point please feel free to contact us.

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