DRHC Dubai Blogs
What is a Silent Heart Attack or Silent Myocardial Infarction?

Did you hear about Silent heart attack or Silent myocardial infarctions?

It represents between 22-64% of all myocardial...

What is bruxism?

What is bruxism?

What is meant by heart block?

What is meant by heart block?

To understand heart block, we need to now an idea about the electricity of the heart.


Complications after Gall bladder surgery

Complications after Gall bladder surgery

Gallbladder removal or cholecystectomy is a safe procedure but like other surgeries...

What is the most serious kind of heart block and how do you treat it?

What is the most serious kind of heart block and how do you treat it?

The most serious type of heart block is third degree or...

What signs of TMJ requires your attentions & visiting a doctor?

What signs of TMJ require your attention & a visit to the doctor?

How many types of heart block are there?

How many types of heart blocks are there?

There are three types

  • First degree heart block manifested by ECG by prolonged PR...
What is the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)?

What is the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)?

Gallbladder Surgery. How do I do it?

Open cholecystectomy:

  • General anaesthesia is about 12-17 cm incision in the upper part of our belly, lower margin of the...
What is Tinnitus? What are the causes of Tinnitus?


Tinnitus is a symptom of an underlying condition was described as a perception of noise or ringing,...

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