Have you experienced neck pain or unable to move your neck due to severe tightness in the neck muscle when you got up from the bed?
This becomes an issue when you have frequent attacks and it starts limiting your functional abilities and impairs your quality of life.
Well you are not alone, doctors estimate that 7 out of 10 people will have this pain at some point of their lives and not only that 50 to 80% of people might get it again for the next 5 years
Neck pain could be caused by
- Sustained poor posture while viewing computers or tv or holding a phone between the neck and shoulder
- Sleeping in a stressful position for the neck
- Muscle strain
- Sports injuries
- Degenerative diseases
Another area which is overlooked when it comes to neck pain is the shoulder.
The shoulder and neck are closely connected through the muscular and neural network
The shoulder is a common site for referral of pain from the cervical spine, the upper thoracic spine and associated soft tissues, especially the trapezius, levator
scapulae and rotator cuff muscles.
A simple movement like scratching your back or picking up stuff from the top shelf happens as a result of smooth coordination across several joints with the help of various tendons, muscles and ligaments.
Normal neck & shoulder function is essential for many popular sports and shoulder dysfunction can also cause significant impairment of everyday quality of life.
It requires thorough assessment of the neck and shoulder to give an accurate diagnosis and to have an effective treatment plan.
For soft tissue neck and shoulder pain doctors might prescribe anti-inflammatory, pain killer or muscle relaxant medication.
- It is often treated by local application of cold or moist heat.
- Physiotherapist will help correct any faulty biomechanics if present and may prescribe strengthening ex’s and stretching.
- They might also use various mobilization techniques to improve range of motion.
- If you having constant pain which is not reducing even after resting you need to consult a doctor for detailed assessment.
- If you have any doubts please feel free to contact us.
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