DRHC Dubai Blogs
  • The frozen shoulder also called adhesive capsulitis is a condition when the motion of the shoulder is very restricted. and any type of attempt to bring it back in motion causes immense pain
  • physiotherapy can lead to some improvement but it is a very time taking and tedious process. The patient may take up to 2 or 3 years to see considerable change in his/her condition.
  • Arthroscopic capsular release or manipulation under anaesthesia is the technique employed to cure frozen shoulder. This process is extremely useful in cases which is not improving by physical therapy. The arthroscopic surgical therapy is aimed to provide fast and speedy recovery and to lessen the pain in the shoulder. Thus giving the full range movement of the shoulder.


Manipulation under Anaesthesia

  • The manipulation under anaesthesia is a technique during the initial phase of the frozen shoulder. The doctor first inject the anesthesia in the frozen shoulder.
  • The doctor then moved the shoulder in all types of possible motions which causes release the tissue which was the reason for frozen shoulder. This process does not involve any type of incisions.

Arthroscopic capsular release

  • The arthroscopic capsular release is a key hole surgery that involves the release of tight and constricted capsule. During the procedure about 2 to 3 holes are made into the shoulder out of which the swollen and abnormal tissue is cut and removed from the shoulder by using a special radiofrequency thermal probe.
  • It is an effective treatment for most of the people after trauma, stiff shoulder or those who are suffering from diabetes. The name of the operation is quite fearsome for most of the people as they choose it to be the last option. But the use of new radio frequency probe has made it very easy and absolutely risk-free.

General Guidelines for arthroscopic capsular release

  • This may last for only a few hours and after this, you would be given some pain killers to cope up with the pain and later in discharged from the hospital.
  • This is a keyhole operation and is done by creating two or three wounds of 3mm to 5mm in depth and does no stitches are required. Only white bandage patches will be put to cover the wound. These patches should be kept covered and not be exposed to moisture for first 2 weeks.
  • You will come out from the hospital room wearing a shoulder sling. This sling is only to provide support to the shoulder and to ease the motion. This sling should be removed as soon as possible. People tend to use the sling in their house for a longer duration but this may delay the recovery time of the wound.
  • Sleeping can be problematic if you try to lay on the operated arm. We recommend you to lay on the opposite of the operated arm. Using pillows and changing the bedding can also be a good idea.

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