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How to know you are Obese Dubai Cardiology clinicHow to know if you are obese?

Obesity is a complex disease involving an excessive amount of fat. It is a cosmetic and medical problem.  According to WHO data, 38% of adult people are overweight and 13% of them are obese. Indeed, it is a health problem of growing significance all over the world.

 Are you obese?

There are two scales:

Body mass index (BMI)

It is calculated by doing your body weight (Kg) divided by your height (meter) squared.

BMI = Weight in Kg / Squared height in meters.

BMI weight status:

Below 18.5 kg/m2 --------------------      Underweight

18.5-25 kg/m2 -------------------------     Normal

25-30 kg/m2   --------------------------     Overweight    

30 and higher --------------------------     Obesity

  • Abdominal(waist) circumference if it is more than:

- 102 cm for men and,

- 88 cm for women is called central or visceral obesity.

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