DRHC Dubai Blogs
Dr. Hafsa

Dr. Hafsa

Dr. Hafsa has more than 12 years of experience in Prosthodontic treatments. She has served as head of dental department in many leading dental clinics in Dubai. Dr. Hafsa is an expert in guiding and is a good decision maker on evaluating dental treatment restorability. She has served as a team leader and supervisor in many surgical and non-surgical extractions. She is focused on treating implant-supported prostheses primarily using Straumann Implant system and other systems. Dr. Hafsa is a leading practitioner for treating TMJ related rehabilitation including the biomechanical principles of occlusion and sleep apnea /snoring device
Kids and Dental Health
Kids and Dental Health DENTAL EFFECTS OF PROLONGED THUMB SUCKING Thumb sucking is a very common habit for children to have especially before they start school. Around 90% of children from 2 to 4...
How to Maintain Good Dental Health?
How to Maintain Good Dental Health? Brush Your Teeth Better Proper brushing can make the difference between great oral hygiene and poor oral health. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you become...
Teeth Grinding and Gum Recession
Teeth Grinding and Gum Recession Teeth Grinding Although most people clench their teeth from time to time, this becomes harmful when the teeth grinding, or bruxism, starts to occur on a regular...
7 Common Dental Problems
7 Common Dental Problems Tooth Decay This is the most common dental problem faced by most of the population. It is caused by insufficient and improper oral hygiene and brushing, as well as poor diet...
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