DRHC Dubai Blogs

No wonder you want to have the best healthcare wherever you go. We always search for the best option when it comes to health issues, the following 4 reasons why you should choose a hospital owned by a physician can help you choose your treatment place.

1 - Higher quality of personalized care

Recent research has proved that hospitals owned and run by doctors implied better patient satisfaction and proved though out the years higher quality outcomes.

The relationship between doctors and patients seems to be stronger and more trustworthy.

2 - Money saving

While hospitals run by a bigger group have higher running cost, which adversely affects the patient making him pays a higher price for the same procedure with a better service offered by the physician-owned hospital.

3 - High standards

Doctors tend to choose high standards in staff equipment and procedures to achieve the best service they can offer their patients, all resulting in happier patients.

4 - Doctors truly understand patients' needs

"Spending time caring for patients puts doctors in a better position to make the hard decisions that a hospital administrator faces"

"M.D. C.E.O's are more likely to prioritize patients because patient care is at the heart of their education and working life as a physician"

we wish the above is helpful to guide your healthcare choices.

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