Do you think no pain means no problem? Wrong! The phrase “no news is good news doesn’t really apply to dental and oral health. Although you may believe that since you don’t experience severe pain and other more sinister symptoms that all is well with your teeth and oral cavity, you’re quite mistaken!
Most dental problems such as dental decay and gum disease are not always obvious to the patient because they may not cause them any pain or discomfort till a much later stage. At these stages, more invasive and more expensive treatments such as root canal treatments with crowns will be necessary and in many cases where the tooth is no longer able to be saved, a tooth extraction is warranted.
Modern day dental care is very much aimed to be a more preventive type of care, where a check-up with your dentist every 6 months will not only prevent dental decay and gum disease and increase the longevity and health of your natural teeth but will give you a chance for your dentist to alert you of other issues that manifest in the oral cavity. Some diseases, disorders and malignant lesions are first detected by a patient's dentist allowing treatment at an earlier stage rather than at late stages with poor end results.
Therefore, it is important to realize the importance of frequent dental check-ups and preventive measures (like dental cleaning, and fluoride) and not to wait for severe pain and signs of damage to seek out treatment.
You could save yourself a lot of pain and money if you are smart about your oral health!
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