What is Diastasis recti:
It is widening and thinning of the midline abdomen tissue ( linea alba) which no longer provides an adequate support for intra abdominal cavity organs
it is a common condition experienced by women during and after pregnancy.
Abdominal muscles separation ,Rectus sheeth separation,or Diastasis recti disease.
Have you feel weakness at the midline of your abdomen?
Have you notice bulging along with your abdomen central muscle?
If ''YES''
Do your simple self examination to determine your case.
6 steps for self examination:
- Lie on back
- Bend your knees
- Place feet's soles on the floor
- Put on hand behind your head , and another hand on your midline abdomen
- Gently press your fingertips towards your abdomen
- NOW : roll up your upper body ( same as Crunch exercise) , then move your fingertips back and forth across your abdominal midline.
If you feel a gap when your abdominal muscles contracted OR if you see a protruding along of your midline abdomen , most likely you have a diastasis recti.
- Visit your doctor to:
- Confirm diagnosis,
- Role out anterior abdominal wall hernia,
- Put a suitable treatment plan.
- Advice Surgery in advanced cases.
5 Important Tips for Disastis Recti:
- Diastasis recti is not a hernia , it is widening and thinning of the midline abdomen tissue ( linea alba) which no longer provides an adequate support for intra abdominal cavity organs
- Diastasis recti occurs as a response to the force of the growing uterus pushing against the anterior abdominal wall , and as a response to pregnancy hormones which soften the connective tissue's
- Diastasis recti percentage is 30% of all pregnancies
- This percentage increases with twin pregnancy, petite body and overweight women
- Diastasis recti can happens with overweight patient even without history of pregnancy .
4 Exercised for Treatment:
Diastasis recti mainly treated with upper abdominal rehabilitation exercises for many weeks
Transverse abdominal activation
- Lie on your back
- Bend your knees
- Draw your umbilicus in towards your back
- Contract and hold your upper abdominal muscles for 3 seconds .
Repeat this exercise 10 times , 3 sets of 10 times , twice daily.
Brace heel slides:
Perform first exercise ( transverse abdominal activation) with:
- Slide one of your heel's forward on the floor
- Slide it back
- Alternate exercise with another heel into 10 times , 3 sets of 10 times , twice daily.
Brace Marching:
Perform first exercise ( transverse abdominal activation) with:
- Raise up one feet
- Set it back down
- Alternate exercise with another feet into 10 times , 3 sets of 10 times , twice daily.
Brace single knee extension:
Perform first exercise ( transverse abdominal activation) with:
- Slide one of your heels forward on the floor
- Raise up your extending leg
- Set it back down
- Alternate exercise with another leg into 10 times , 3 sets of 10 times , twice daily.
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