Dr. Rami Hamed Medical Blog

Post-Partum Care

Written by Dr. Olena Ioffe | 15-May-2023 07:44:49

Post-Partum Care

Involution of the uterus:

After delivery the uterus weight approximately 1000 gm compared with non-pregnant weight of approximately 70 gm so it decreases in size gradually to its normal size by 6 weeks post-partum.


The post-partum discharge is called Lochia. Starts as Lochia Rubra which is menses-like bleeding in the first several days. Then the lochia senosa which is lighter with less blood in the next few days.

After all the Lochia Alba, a whitish discharge that may persist for several weeks.

Lochia seems to resolve more rapidly in breastfeeding women because of the involution of the uterus.

Return of ovarian function:

The average time to ovulation is 45 days in non-lactating women and 189 days in lactating women. Ovulation is suppressed in lactating women by the elevated prolactin levels.



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