How to manage and diagnose Taste Disorders?
Treatment of the underlying cause of your taste problem.
Stopping medication which affect the sense of taste , treatment of the upper respiratory diseases. Occasionally, a person may recover his or her sense of taste spontaneously. Proper oral hygiene is important to regaining and maintaining a well-functioning sense of taste,If you lose some or all of your sense of taste and the treatment was not successful , here are things you can try to make your food taste better:
- Prepare foods with a variety of colors and textures.
- Use aromatic herbs and hot spices to add more flavor; however, avoid adding more sugar or salt to foods.
- If your food permits, add small amounts of cheese, bacon bits, butter, olive oil, or toasted nuts on vegetables.
- Avoid combination dishes, such as casseroles, that can hide individual flavors and dilute taste.
How are taste disorders diagnosed?
Taste investigation: taste tests may be by applied chemicals substances directly to specific areas of the tongue.
A full assessment of your taste loss should include
- a review of your health history;
- physical examination of your ears, nose, and throat; a dental examination and assessment of oral hygiene;
- a scientific taste test by a professional health care provider.